Robin's Nest
Broken Hearted Children
Who am I?
My Husband and Son
In loving Memory of my Papaw
My Fearless Angel
Suz and Don
My Favorite Links
Broken Hearted Children
A Brother's Love is True
What Jeffery Means to Me
Our Wedding Album's
For You Mom
Watch out "DOLLYWOOD"!!

Dear Daddy

What did we do or what did we say

to make the man we called daddy ever go away?

Time hasn't stopped and we've all aged

but why is it so diffucult? Are you ashamed?


Or is it something we did or didn't do?

or is it embarrassment and guilt for you?

You never got to know us, you left all 3 kids behind

so what are we suppose to do without a daddy

and what are we to think of you?


Somethings we've never forgotten

as the tick tock of time goes by

are just vague memories of you

are all restless and bundled inside.


You'll never be able to turn back the clock

and see all that you threw away

first steps, birthdays and your grandchildren

All the progress, your children have made.


We would have walked right past you,

with not a clue of who you were,

and maybe that should have happened

it would have turned the tables for sure!


Our minds remembered a younger man,

not all wrinkled, wretched and grey.

Who had a silly sense of laughter and humor

That's until you went completely away.


Have you ever wondered,

what it would have been like,

to have been involved in your children's

teenage and adult live's?


Looking at each of your wrinkles

life certainly has taken it's toll.

Was any of this aging derived from

the longing of your children now grown?


And the grey hair that is now shining,

is that from worry about your kids?

Of course it isn't! Cause you never knew

anything about us, and one still wore bibs!


Maybe your new bride and "family"

have taken, what was once left of the man,

Who at one time had control of his life

and not lead around by this women's hand!


So we say to you now

all that's left to say,

you walked away from us first,

Now "dear dad" this time we walk away!


NOVEMBER 20th,2003
